8 ways to kick the lockdown blues - Urban Student

8 ways to kick the lockdown blues

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17th February 2021 

We are well into our third national lockdown, right in the middle of winter. That means darkness, cold and an overall lull in people’s moods. Finding new things to do (and the motivation to do anything) after a year of being stuck inside is completely normal; however, if you are looking for inspiration to keep you busy then read on. 


Get baking

Baking is a great way to not only pass some time, but you get to eat what you have made afterwards! Talk about giving yourself a pat on the back.

There are so many different options to choose from; from delicious cakes and treats to healthier alternatives. Ingredients also do not have to be expensive if you choose wisely and it gives you the perfect opportunity to get creative whilst doing it. 


Listen to a podcast (or start your own) 

We all know that music is great for the soul; however there are also so many different podcasts out there to suit everyone. Offering anything from chats with your favourite celebrities, behind the scenes music podcasts to more informative sessions for you to learn and develop your knowledge; there really is something for everyone. 

And taking it a step further, you could even start your own. If you are really passionate about something, this your chance to have your voice heard. All you need is a laptop and a YouTube account! 


Learn a new skill

Learning a new skill is an excellent use of time. Not only does it provide focus, but it also helps you to switch off from real life; which could be just the dose of escapism we all need right now.

Think about what skill you would have loved to learn before lockdown but never did because you didn’t have the time to do so….


Go explore 

This one admittedly does have its limitations with the current rules in place, however, for those of you new to Bristol use your daily exercise to explore and get to know your local area. 

And for those that have been in Bristol for a while, why not explore your local area and see if you can find new areas you have never come across before. We are all guilty of just traveling from A to B when we need to be somewhere without really taking in anything else around us. 


Start a home workout (thank you YouTube)

There are thousands of YouTube videos for you to choose from so you can work out, totally free, from the comfort of your own home. 

Setting a time of day that you plan to do this can also help as it provides your day with some routine and you have more chance of actually completing it if you work your day around scheduling it in. 


Get creative 

Pinterest has an array of amazing projects you can get your teeth into whilst you are home. From creating picture collages of loved ones for your feature wall to getting creative with a paintbrush, the opportunities are endless. There could be a hidden artist in there somewhere desperate to get out!


Organise those storage spaces! 

If any of you have ever watched ‘The Home Edit’ on Netlfix, you will know there is some weird, sweet satisfaction about organising your things into perfectly neat compartments. By organising your spaces better not only will you create more space for yourself, but mentally it will help to make you feel less cluttered and bogged down. Tidy room, tidy mind. 


Speak to someone

And finally, it’s important to make sure you find the time to actually speak to someone like a friend, family member or loved one. Phones are great for connecting us, but we all sometimes fall short on actual human communication when we are sat behind our screens. Speaking to another human being is important and setting time to call someone to check in will help both parties.


We hope you liked our ideas and would love to hear from you if you have any others!