Unicornfest 2023: The Captivating Creatures Roaming the Streets of Bristol this Summer
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If you’ve been wandering around Bristol recently you will have probably stumbled across one or two wonderfully coloured unicorns. If you haven’t, you’re probably wondering what on earth we’re talking about…
That would be Unicornfest 2023; a magical trail around iconic Bristol landmarks – where you can collect selfies with different custom designed unicorns, painted by many local artists.
“Unicornfest, part of the 650th anniversary celebrations for Bristol, seeks to unite the business and creative sectors, as well as local communities and schools across Bristol and the surrounding area, bringing art, colour and fun to the streets of the city this year.” – Unicornfest
As well as being strikingly beautiful & each one unique, these wonderful unicorns are also helping to raise funds for Leukaemia Care – the UKs leading Leukaemia charity. Find out more about Leukaemia Care’s work by visiting their website here.
OK…so now the bad news. You may notice we’re talking in past tense. The Unicornfest did in fact run from July 3rd until September 3rd, meaning the trail itself has ended and there are no more unicorns roaming the streets of Bristol (it also makes our morning commute a lot less fun!)
However we aren’t going to leave you with nothing, there is some good news! On the 23rd and 24th September there will be a Farewell Festival at Propyard, Bristol. Here, all 60 large unicorns will gather for the final time accompanied by over 40+ painted foals. Meaning there is plenty of time to see all the brilliant creations, whilst supporting a brilliant charity as well as local artists.
Get your cameras ready and book your tickets here.
You can also grab tickets to an auction of the unicorns at Propyard on the 5th October 2023. A unicorn would make a pretty cool pet no?
Need a place to stay? That’s where we come in…click here.
Date Published: Monday 4th September 2023 by Phoebe Clutton
Header Image: Vist Bristol